Container Deposit Scheme
Regions throughout Australia are now benefiting from the establishment of Container Deposit Schemes. These initiatives serve to increase recycling volumes and reduce the amount of recyclable waste that ends up in landfill. To date, established schemes are now running in Queensland, New South Wales, ACT, South Australia and the Northern Territory, with Victoria, Tasmania and Western Australia planned for the near future.
Containers eligible for the scheme include most plastic, aluminium and glass drink containers with sizes between 150ml and 3L, and must be empty, unbroken and display the refund mark. This includes the vast majority of soft drink, pre-mixed alcohol, beer, cider and water bottles and cans. These containers are then diverted from landfill and sent to recycling facilities, where they're recycled into new products.
REMONDIS Online's industry partners can provide bins to collect these containers at your location.
What can you deposit?
Please note that acceptance criteria varies across States and Territories. Have a look at our Allowed and Prohibited lists below to get an understanding, however in order to receive information about the most recent regulation, please visit your local council website.
Unless noted otherwise, Hazardous Materials** and Dangerous Goods*** are strictly banned in all waste streams. If you are not sure or have a requirement to dispose of any of these types of items please contact us and we will find a solution for you.
**Hazardous Materials - Unless explicitly allowed, Hazardous Materials include Aerosol Cans, Tyres, Batteries, Asbestos, Chemicals of any kind, Oil Heaters, Gas Bottles, Fire Extinguishers, Old Insulation, Fibro, Fibreglass roof sheeting, Fibro-cement sheeting, Ammunition, Flares, Paint, Paint Related Products, Other Prescribed or Hazardous Wastes, Bio Wastes or any Liquid or Flammable Waste like Fuel and Oil, Poisons, or any other Liquid Waste. If you are not sure or have a requirement to dispose of any of these types of items please contact us and we will find a solution for you.
***Dangerous Goods - Unless explicitly allowed, Dangerous Goods include Explosive substances and Articles, Gases, Flammable Liquids and Solids, Self-Reactive Substances and Solid Desensitized Explosives, Substances liable to spontaneous combustion, substances which, in contact with Water, emit Flammable and/or Toxic Gases, Oxidizing Substances, Organic Peroxides, Toxic Substances, Infectious Substances, Radioactive Material, Corrosive Substances, Miscellaneous Dangerous Substances and Articles. If you are not sure or have a requirement to dispose of any of these types of items please contact us and we will find a solution for you.